Home improvement can rack up a huge expense with the price of new materials and the extra cost for unforeseen setbacks. Mistakes happen, but you don’t want them to happen when you’re renovating your home. We’ve all seen our fair share of DIY’s gone wrong. Check out these easy to do tutorials to make sure your next home improvement project goes right.

Pallet Coffee Table

Decorate with sleek, rustic style in your home by refurbishing pallet wood into a coffee table. There are DIY pallet coffee table tutorials for all levels of DIYers. Whether you’re experience or just beginning, you can have a new coffee table without spending the steep cost of wood furniture. While you save the cash for something else, you’ll also give yourself the opportunity to create a unique piece of furniture exactly how you want it.

High Curtains

Curtains are an easy, low maintenance project with a quick turnaround. Curtains are not only used for energy efficiency and keeping light out. They’re part of the aesthetics in your home as well. You could be hanging your curtains all wrong. It’s more than putting a piece of fabric over your windows. The best way to hang your curtains is a couple of inches above the actual window. The curtains should reach almost to the floor without actually touching.

This concept not only elongates your window, but can make your ceilings appear higher too. Outlining your windows with curtains the proper way can have a big aesthetically pleasing impact in the decor of your home.

Bathroom Tile Upgrade

Kick that old bathtub to the curb. If you have an outdated shower or tub then your bathroom needs an upgrade. Keep up with the trending bathroom remodeling styles for a fresh feel in your home. You can keep things traditional and classic or get a little out of your comfort zone when choosing your bathroom tile. Adding patterns or colors in your bathroom can create a great ambiance for relaxation. Give yourself that bathtub or rain shower you’ve been dreaming of.

Black Pipe Coffee Bar

Optimize your kitchen space by DIYing a coffee bar. This project is perfect for a budget-friendly upgrade in your home. You’ll have extra storage and a nicely polished shelving area. A coffee bar will give you more space in your kitchen cabinets and a great excuse to get organized.

Not a fan of coffee? Use it as a console behind your couch for added shelving in your living room. The best part about it being DIY is you have room to adjust the height no matter how many inches your couch is. For a clean look, find a couple of baskets that you want to store things in.

Carpet to Hardwood

There is an ongoing battle between carpet and hardwood. Although there are pros and cons to both sides, the ultimate winner is hardwood. With many benefits including durability, the ease of cleaning, and allergy-friendly hardwood is simply the way to go. Hardwood is long lasting and easier to keep clean over carpet. Although carpet may seem cozy on your feet, it’s an allergy nightmare. Hardwood offers a trendy yet natural look to your home. Transitioning from carpet to hardwood in your home may come with a cost, but you will love the benefits.