Get recommendations Begin your search by asking people you know for recommendations. Make a note of any particularly good –or bad– experiences. Even if you don’t know many people in your area, your friends will probably have some advice on where to stop...
Start early: You’ll be shocked how quickly babies can start getting into trouble. Baby-proof your house as soon as bring the baby home–or better yet, before they are even born. Think like a baby: Before you begin, try to get a sense of your house from a...
For most people, their home is not just their castle, it is also their nest egg. Most middle class people have more than half of their net worth tied up in equity in their house. For this reason, it is wise to consider home improvement with an eye to the bottom line....
Michael Leafer of Leaf Management recently renovated a home on 50 Gardner, Brockton MA. Scroll through the before and after shots below for a better sense of the quality, care, and dedication Leafer and his team devote to improving a house.
Buying and selling a home is a tedious process. There are many small and large details of a home that owners will often spruce up when showing their house to potential buyers. While it may seem like a challenge to sell a home without spending a fortune to make...